Saturday, October 4, 2008

Your Entire Business Could Be Destroyed Today If You Dont Have These Legal Documents

Writen by Juste Gnimavo

If you are an Affiliate Internet Marketer, or owner of a web site running a business on the internet, you are in danger of losing it all if you are not using the required legal documents!

Just one single complaint from one customer and your entire business could be shut down for good! Not to mention the headache and huge costs of a possible court battle!

It's happened thousands of times before, and it will happen again, you need to protect yourself against these lawsuits today and ensure it won't happen to you!

But how? You can get consultation with a lawyer, which can cost anywhere up to $400 per hour! You could pay for an online service to write your legal forms, which can cost about $80 per form, and if you run more than one website, this can turn into thousands of dollars very very quickly!

Here is the legal documents you must have to start protecting yourself and your business today!

1. Privacy Policy

- This essential document indicates how you collect and use information about your visitors, without it you are opened to problems from visitors and from Federal Government Enforcement Agencies like the Federal Trade Commission.

2. Terms of Use & Disclaimer

- This document protects you in that it limits your responsibility to the users of your website. Without it, your website could be shot down in an instant! This document inclues: Licenses and Idea Submissions. Use of the Site, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY, Indemnification, Third Party Rights, Miscellaneous...

For e.g, you can inform your visitors that: The entire contents of the Site are protected by international copyright and trademark laws. The owner of the copyrights and trademarks are "your site", its affiliates or other third party licensors. They may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute, in any way, the material on your website, INCLUDING TEXT, GRAPHICS, CODE AND/OR SOFTWARE. They may print and download portions of material from the different areas of the Site solely for your own non-commercial use provided that you agree not to change or delete any copyright or proprietary notices from the materials....

3. Affiliate Agreement

If you run an affiliate program , this form is ideal. Allows you to set the terms your affiliates must follow when advertising and selling your products!

4. No-Spam Agreement

First of all, I consider spamming to be any activity whereby you directly or indirectly transmit email messages to any email address that has not solicited such email and does not consent to such transmission. I also consider spamming to constitute posting advertisements in newsgroups in violation of the terms of participation in such newsgroup, that are off topic, or in newsgroups that do not specifically permit advertisements.

I also consider it's spamming when advertisements are placed on message boards or in chat rooms when they are not permitted by the terms of participation in such message boards and chat rooms.

In This essential document indicates, you have a strict policy against spamming. You forbid the sending of unsolicited mass Emails or unsolicited Emails of any kind in connection with the marketing of your programs, products and services...

I suggest you to Protect yourself against possible spam abuse and accusations and ensure your compliance with the latest Can-Spam laws with this essential legal form!

5.Copyright Notice

Protects your content and graphics by outlining how visitors are allowed to use them. Without this you may find your content and profits being stolen from you, you simply cannot be without this simple addition to your site!

In this document you can inform your visitors that, they acknowledge that the web page contains information and/ or software, photographs, audio and video clips, graphics, links and other material that are protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights of "your name" or third parties, including but not limited to product names, logos, designs, titles, and words or phrases which may be registered in certain jurisdictions (collectively, the "Content").

They agree to comply with any additional copyright notices, information, or restrictions contained in any Content available on or accessed through . If they want to use any content of for any reason they must obtain prior express written permission of "you"...

6.Earnings Disclaimer

- This is a must have document if you sell marketing information or 'How to Make Money' programs, or even just if you run an affiliate program! One famous internet marketer could have used one of these before the FTC shut down his operations a few years ago! Don't be the next one caught out!

If you are doing business on the internet, you are no doubt doing business in the US, so no-matter where you live YOU MUST COMPLY WITH FTC REGULATIONS! If you continue as you are without protecting yourself, you run the risk of losing everything!

Remember, as your business and websites are seen by more and more people everyday, it only becomes more and more risky to not be legal and protected!

To inform other online marketers how to get protected, you have my permmission to reprint this article in your newsletter or on your web site provided you leave the resource box intact.

Juste A. Gnimavo owner of Discover This Amazing new software released that enables you to Create in just 2 mins, the Essential Legal Documents For All Your Websites. Visit To Start Protecting Yourself And Your Business.

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