Saturday, September 6, 2008

Affiliate Program Free Advertising

Writen by Michael Russell

There are many was to advertise you affiliate program or programs totally for free. There will always be a ton of hype surrounding programs like Google Adwords, but you can advertise for free just as well. In many cases, depending how much work you are willing to put in, better. Let me just start off by saying that there is, under no circumstances, a reason to Spam. Many Internet marketers fall into this trap and ruin their reputation. Make sure what you are advertising and the way you do it adds at least some valuable content to the web.

First off there are the work from home forums. These forums are a great place to build relationships, learn, and yes advertise. Now to advertise on forums you don't just say, "Hey, I have a great program. You have to join it now.". Those posts will get deleted very quickly. You should sign up for some forums and just post. You can ask some questions, answer some, etc. What you need to do to advertise is to add your affiliate links to your signature. This can be done in your profile at the forum. As you build a reputation on the forums people will click more and more on your links. Stay away from the free advertising forums. Nobody really reads them.

Writing articles is also a great source of free advertising. Write a good article and include links to you program. You will want to include good content in you article. Make it worth reading. Don't just randomly throw your links in there. Attract the reader; draw them in, then slip a link or two in there. Then just search the net for free article submissions. Most forums also have a forum for posting articles.

Good SEO (search engine optimization) is essential in free advertising. Most people still use the Internet as a way to look for information. If you rank high in the search engines you are bringing people directly to your site. You just need to know the right key words and use them well. There is so much to SEO that I will not go into it all here. Look online or for a free or cheap e-book on the subject.

Write a testimonial. If you join a program you really like, just write a testimonial about it. You can also exchange testimonials with other online marketers. Everyone wants to bolster themselves a bit. People love getting these. Just include links to your site at the end.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Affiliate Programs

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