Friday, August 8, 2008

Build A Thriving Home Business Fast With This Powerful Secret

Writen by Michael Senoff

A few weeks ago I got a call from guy named Peter.

Peter is a hard working guy who is desperately looking for a way to make money at home.

He hates his job, has no formal education and has no idea where to start. The only "lead" he has on what to do is joint venture marketing which he read about on one of my sites.

In other words, he likes the idea of selling business A's product to business B (and vice versa), and taking a cut of the profit -- which is what joint venture marketing is.

However, he still didn't know where to start or what to do. He didn't know how to find product owners. He figured if he could find product owners, it would be easy to find out other businesses to sell to. Plus, he was worried he had no reputation and didn't know if anyone would really take him seriously.

I told him the solution to his problem was actually very simple. And if you are looking for a fast home business to start, you can use this exact same solution I gave him, too.

Here is what I told him:

I suggested that Peter try to acquire other older products by experts in a niche he was interested in and leverage off of that person's credibility.

For example, a few years ago I found an expert on buying businesses. I saw his ad on ebay. I emailed him, talked with him and asked if I could take a whack at helping him sell his business buying system.

He said yes, and I've sold nearly $100,000 worth of that product on my site and on ebay since.

And you know what?

You can do the same thing.

Search around online, in your home town, or on ebay -- and find an expert in a niche you want to sell to. Find out if they have a product to sell -- even if it's an older one. Get the rights to sell it and then start a simple business selling it.

This is one of the easiest and simplest home businesses you can start and make money with you will ever see. It's simple, it's fast and will work for you if simply do the steps.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

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