Conversions they're a crucial factor in affiliate sales. While it's good to have wonderful, informative content and an environment where your site visitors share ideas and information, you're most likely in this for the economic benefit. And that means you need not only to interest visitors in the site's affiliate merchants, but do all in your power to see that the sale is completed.
Here are a few ways to help the conversion rate of sales the percentage of qualified buyers who began the sales process who ultimately complete the sale:
Before signing up a merchant, be sure that the merchants is offering products that are appropriate for and desired by your visitors, and that the actual products are of high quality. Prepare product reviews and comparisons for your site that help the visitor learn about the product category as well as individual products and their attributes.
Get site visitors to contribute product reviews as well as reviews of their sales experience. Post them and use them to identify patterns and trends, both good and bad, with your affiliate merchants. Don't be shy in contacting merchants whose sales practices have been called into question by your visitors. If they are serious about their business, they'll want to make positive changes they have many other customers who will be likely to have the same reaction.
Make sure the links to products are on pages with highly relevant articles, reviews and information.
Ask questions and test their shipping with special requests Go through the merchant's checkout process yourself and see if it's onerous or straightforward. If you'd drop off before seeing the words "sale confirmed", it's likely they will too.
Karen Kari's articles and more information on the affiliate business can be found at:
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